
In a lead-acid battery, the electrolyte is sulfuric acid diluted with water. It is a conductor that supplies water and sulfate for the electrochemical reaction: PbO2 + Pb + 2H2SO4 = 2PbSO4 + 2H2O.


Electronic Tester

An electronic device that assesses the condition of a battery through an ohmic measurement such as resistance or conductance, typically without drawing large current loads.



A set of positive and negative plates assembled with separators.



The result of circulation and diffusion within the cell which accompanies charge and discharge. Difference in capacity at various rates is caused by the time required for this feature.


Equalization Charge

The process of ensuring that the cells and plates within a battery are all at full charge and that the electrolyte is uniform and free of stratification. This is normally done by charging the battery under controlled conditions (charge current, time and upper voltage limits are usually specified).



Term used to describe the making uniform of varying specific gravities in different cells of the same battery, by adding or removing water or electrolyte.



Loss of water from electrolyte from heat or charging.


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